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where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? The United States known as the "magician," said the NBA player Johnson. Joined the Lakers in the first season to help team won the championship in 1980. In the playoffs that first triple-double, and eventually made a career first championship and became the NBA Finals most valuable player. He will be more ideas, wisdom and skill brought to the basketball court, so watch basketball and competitive in the 80's to a new level. Johnson is undoubtedly the greatest NBA players in history one. Erwin - Johnson was born in Lansing, Michigan. Training hard like a basketball from an early age fascinated. Still in high school, because of his outstanding basketball skills to be a local newspaper reporter called the "Magic", where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? which later generations have forgotten his real name of Irvine, and the "Magic" instead. Johnson, technology overall, is the highest in the history of the NBA point guard. He also qualified for any position, is an all-star. Johnson, fast forward, passing skills varied, often very comfortable with his teammates to create offensive opportunities. In particular, as a blind, he can play basketball, like chess, do not look at the circumstances of his teammates the ball accurately. where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? In high school, Johnson's pass with his exaggerated manner and style of play, won the 1987, 1989, 1990, twice to become the best rebounding team (1982, 1983). His strong performance capabilities and dizzy "do not look at players pass" (No look pass), so the Lakers basketball's "Showtime" (Showtime) led the eighties basketball style. Although he and Larry Bird is the closest friend outside the stadium, but they set off on the pitch, "Lakers of the Celtics," the hegemony war, and has attracted millions of fans watch the NBA.
The Lakers selected
where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? In 1980, Johnson was selected first in the first round of the Lakers. After the first career playoff triple-double of the players that only LeBron James in 2005. The total score was 3:2 in the case of the main center Lakers sixth game, "sky-hook" Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was seriously injured, 20-year-old Johnson replaced battle and act as a center. In that battle, the young Johnson scored 42 points, grabbed 15 rebounds and 7 assists, 3 steals, the audience became his stage performances, he led his unit won his first ever championship at the same time by the NBA Finals MVP award. In Johnson's basketball career, he won three years in 1987,1989,1990 year NBA MVP awards, won 5 times (1980,1982,1985,1987,1988).where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? In 1992, both he and Larry Bird as co-captain, led the sweep of the Barcelona Dream Team, won his first one last Olympic gold medal. Perhaps the most classic game Johnson was May 16, 1980 NBA Finals at the sixth race. Johnson as a rookie, replaced the injured Kareem Abdul-Jabbar out Renzhong Feng, despite fighting in the road in Philadelphia, but he was active in the field of each location, the game eventually became the absolute dominator. Won a total of 42 points, grabbed 15 rebounds, both game day, the highest results. Hence he was defeated Julius Siou text led the Philadelphia 76ers won the NBA championship that year. Since then the country fans really understand the "magician" and why. After that, he led the Lakers won the championship four times. In 1991, the "magician" unfortunately infected with the HIV virus, had to leave NBA. But he did not yield to their sincerity and integrity in exchange for people's understanding and respect,where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? and then in his premise of active treatment, continue to engage in training and competition of basketball, and in 1992 participated in the Eastern Conference All-Star Game and the Olympics . In 1996, Johnson, after a lapse of 4 years to reappear, in order to accelerate the maturity of the young Lakers do the full force of their own. March 1997, after examination, Johnson miraculously defeated a terminal illness, in his body could barely find the HIV virus. Johnson's tenacity, integrity, wild and tough, where can i buy cheap jerseys and good quality? and his excellent basketball skills and awareness, is a valuable wealth of the world basketball.

